Adhesive program DELTA®-EASYFIXX

Transparent and solvent-based contact adhesive (free of chlorides). Water-resistant and with a high initial tack.

Universal attachment and assembly aid for various surfaces.

    smallRetina 06:51:28
    DELTA®-EASYFIXX in der Anwendung
    smallRetina 06:51:28
    DELTA®-EASYFIXX in der Anwendung


  • Quick and easy to use
    Simply applied directly from the spray can. You don't need any additional accessories or tools.


DELTA®-EASYFIXX can be used on insulation materials such as EPS, XPS, PIR or PUR, but also on soft wood fibre and OSB boards as well as on porous surfaces like masonry, plaster, or concrete, on wood and on metal.


For the bonding, the surface must be clean, dry, and free of dust, frost and grease. Processing is possible at an ambient and component temperature of +10°C to +30°C (temperature-controlled storage recommended). Spray evenly onto the surface from a distance of approx. 15-20 cm. The coverage is up to 9 m2 per litre, depending on the surface

DELTA®-EASYFIXX can be applied either on one side or on both sides of the surface to be bonded. Optimal adhesion though, is achieved with application on both sides. After a setting time of 24 hours the maximum adhesive power is reached.

Technical data

Servicetemperature range < 80°
Application temperature From +10°C to approx. +30°C
Setting time Full adhesive force after approx. 24 hours
Coverage Up to 9 m²/l depending on the substrate
Contents 500 ml


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