Roof coatings LUCITE® 806 ROOFCOAT

Universal satin matt roof paint both for the first coating and the renovation of weather-beaten roofs and façade claddings. Indicated for the application on sound and clean surfaces such as concrete roofing tiles, fibre cement, bitumen surfaces with splinter particles, non-ferrous metals, rigid PVC and wood.

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    LUCITE® 806 RoofCoat


  • very good weather resistance and UV stability
  • fast drying, highly elastic
  • water-vapour permeable but rain-proof
  • provided with nanotechnology and clean protector for a dirt-repellent effect
  • with film preservation
  • Alkali-resistant

Technical data

Consumption 160 - 180 ml/m²
Colour tones 3991 Brick red / 3993 Classic red / 7991_Slate grey / 9990 anthracite
Packaging Sizes Ready 5 L / 12 L



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