Adhesive program DELTA®-LIQUIXX

Pasty functional coating for the airtight connection of difficult details when laying DELTA® air and vapour barriers and/or brakes.

The product DELTA®-LIQUIXX is a ready-to-use paste which is airtight when cured. 

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    Luftdichter Anschluss mit DELTA®-LIQUIXX
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    DELTA®-LIQUIXX Anwendung aus der Flasche
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    Luftdichter Anschluss mit DELTA®-LIQUIXX
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    Luftdichter Anschluss schwieriger Details mit DELTA®-LIQUIXX
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    Verarbeitung von DELTA®-LIQUIXX
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    DELTA®-LIQUIXX Produkte


  • Airtight connection of complex roof details
    Thanks to DELTA®-LIQUIXX you will also be able to get into the last corners and, for example, connect valley rafter heads or narrow pipe penetrations easily and in a safe and airtight manner.
  • Sealing of cracks in old wood
    Thanks to DELTA®-LIQUIXX, cracks in old wood - like for example in rafters, collar beams and punches, can be sealed in a safe manner.
  • Quick and easy application
    DELTA®-LIQUIXX facilitates your work: It can easily be processed with a brush. In addition, due to the drying process, it does not require any interruption of the work. When renovating roofs from the outside with DELTA®-NOVAFLEXX, an immediate installation of the insulation is offered. Save time!
  • Drying indicator
    The functional coating contains an integrated drying indicator: As soon as the material is dry, the colour will change from light blue to dark blue.


The product DELTA®-LIQUIXX has been specially developed for the following vapour barriers and/or vapour retarders:
Please clarify an application option for air and vapour barriers and/or brakes from other manufacturers with the application technology department by calling the phone number +49 2330 63 578 or by writing an e-mail to the following address

The functional coating impresses on almost all surfaces because it offers excellent adhesion properties and can be used on wood, wood-based materials, masonry, metals, and many plastics.

The processing of DELTA®-LIQUIXX

The substrate must be stable, clean (swept clean), dry to slightly damp, and free both of frost and grease.
The processing will take place in three steps:
1. Coat the area to be processed generously with DELTA®-LIQUIXX by using a flat brush.
2. Pre-stretch the GT 10 special fleece. After that, lay it in the fresh pre-coating by shaping it onto the substrate.
3. Finally, soak it again entirely with DELTA®-LIQUIXX.

When it has not hardened yet, the material can be washed off with water. This facilitates the cleaning of your work tools.

The following videos show you two examples of applications:

Technical data

Material Paste-like, structurally viscous pure acrylate dispersion
Application temperature At least + 5 °C
Subsurface temperature At least + 5 °C
Drying time At 21°C and 45 % humidity between 3 and 4 hours
Drying indicator Light blue (dispersion), Dark blue (through drying)
Sd-value approx. 1,5 m
Consumption rate approx. 0.9 l/m² with GT 10 special fleece
Packaging DELTA®-LIQUIXX 4 litres DELTA®-LIQUIXX fleece or alternatively available as well as DELTA®-LIQUIXX of 1 litre in a squeeze bottle.


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Would you like information on detailed product properties, use cases or other technical topics?
Then feel free to contact our application department on +49 2330 63 578 or

Do you have questions about prices, availability or the status of your order?
Our sales service will help you with these matters on +49 2330 63 636 or