Adhesive program DELTA®-HF PRIMER

Solvent-free, universal primer for different substrates.

Improves the adhesive properties of the surfaces to be bonded, such as for example fibreboard, sanding masonry and concrete.

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  • Improved adhesion of the adhesive tapes
    The product DELTA®-HF PRIMER improves the adhesion of adhesive tapes on fibrous or sanding substrates. In addition, the product improves the adhesion of DELTA® adhesive tapes to DELTA®-XX membranes, DELTA®-FOXX (PLUS) and DELTA®-FASSADE membranes.


Spread the surface generously by means of a brush and let it dry.

The consumption depends on the surface absorbency.

Technical data

Material Polyacrylate dispersion base
Application temperature (Temperature-controlled storage recommended) From + 5°C to + 35°C ambient and component temperature
Functional temperature range from -40 °C to +80 °C
Drying time approx. 15 min to 60 min
Filling weight 1000 g can


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