Ready-cut, breathable strips for the covering and sealing of counter battens or details when laying DELTA®-ALPINA as a watertight sub-roof (as per ZVDH Class 1). Can also be used as a separate flashing strip.

DELTA®-ALPINA TAPE has the same material composition and the same properties as DELTA®-ALPINA.

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    DELTA®-ALPINA BAND in der Anwendung
    smallRetina 08:34:30
    DELTA®-ALPINA BAND in der Anwendung
    smallRetina 08:34:30
    DELTA®-ALPINA BAND in der Anwendung


To achieve a watertight sub-roof DELTA®-ALPINA BAND is laid across the counter battens in accordance with roofing regulations.
Roll out the tape centrally on the counter batten and weld left and right to DELTA®-ALPINA with DELTA®-ALPINA QSM or via hot air on the membrane.

Can be laid without triangular cleats or trapezoidal profiles.

Technical data

Material Highly tear-resistant PES non-woven fabric with breathable PU coating top and bottom.
Reaction to fire Class E, EN 13501-1
Fire index 4.2, VKF
Tensile strength approx. 450/410 N/5 cm, EN 12311-1+2
Shearing resistance of joints approx. 400 N, EN 12317-2
Watertightness Class W 1, EN 13859-1+2
Sd-value approx. 0,30 m, EN ISO 12572
Servicetemperature range from -40 °C to +80 °C
Short-term maximum temperature load of the material +120 °C
Weight approx. 350 g/m²
Roll weight approx. 3,8 kg
Roll size 30m × 0,36m


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Would you like information on detailed product properties, use cases or other technical topics?
Then feel free to contact our application department on +49 2330 63 578 or

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Our sales service will help you with these matters on +49 2330 63 636 or